Its mango season and Mangoes are everywhere.
They are about 3p and thats if you have to buy them at all as there are so many you can just get them from a tree (or someone else will get them for you)
Trying to teach Marcus how to hedgehog his mango as he makes a right mess. Not the way the gambians eat them though. There seems to be 2 schools of thought ; eat like an apple just biting around the core/stone and then chewing and spitting out the skin; taking a huge cutlass to it and chopping off the skin then slices for yourself to eat off the huge knife making toubabs (white people) like me squirm, especially when its a 7 year old.
You sometimes get given so many mangoes you cant eat them all fresh (based on my calculations of no more than 2 mangoes a day otherwise funny tummy!!) so you have to do some cooking!! I have made mango chutney and if I get another batch before the end of the season Im thinking sorbet although as we dont have constant electricity im not sure this will work. We may have to eat it straight away!!
And there is no waste as all the animals love mangoes as much as us so as soon as they get a whiff of a mango being eaten they are there to hoover up the rubbish.