Thursday, March 17, 2011

More of my daily life

My house-my front door and window

My bike

My office with a map of the region I work in.

Common wealth day - the children had beads or sweets! braided into their hair and dressed and did things linked to the culture of their tribe.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My home in Soma

I have 2 rooms and a courtyard/bathroom. It is on a compound (enclosed area) with 7 others exactly the same - like gambian terraced houses! Except Mine Lucys and Marcus are the only ones really who have furniture. The other 5 'houses' are homes to gambians. And our landlord is over the road with his family and I often go and sit under their tree with them. I am now part of their family as they gave me my gambian name. So for the next 2 years I am Kaddijatou Jownay.

My bed

Draws and bedside table. It is hard to give a full picture of my room as the mosquitto net is always in the way.

My shower. Meant to be just the bucket and a cup but I am cheating with a solar camp shower. Very luxurious!

My toilet. I left the cover down but all you are not seeing is a hole cut the shape and size of a bicycle seat. The pit is very deep so you cant see what is at the bottom which is very good! Although you can see the parts of the inside wall that the sun shines on and I couldnt go to the toilet all day when I saw a lizard in there!!!
My cooker, my kitchen cabinet and my photos.

My fridge and chairs opposite the cooker.

My Kitchen table, water filter, water bottles for collecting from tap in compound, petrol canisters and 2 of the many children who like to sit with us, read magazines and draw.