Monday, December 31, 2012

Second Christmas in The Gambia

Christmas season started with the VSO Christmas party. A lovely bbq supplemented with peoples specialities - yum yum. Also dressing the tree and secret santa.
Christmas eve preperation and the biggest carrot I have ever seen.
Christmas day venue!!!!
Christmas morning with Lyndsey, Parvathi, Alex, Jana, Muna and many others out of camera shot, like the boys bbq-ing.
Christmas breakfast pudding table. I didnt know such things existed! On the neighouring table was you usual bbq-ed meet and veg as well as smoked salmon, bacon and much more.
Relaxing before moving venue...
and preparing to eat more gorgeous Christmas food.

Alex eating Pete's prawn cocktail starter
After the huge selection at breakfast it was probably a good thing that dinner was 4 hours late. We just had to find some emergency candles.
And the night was finished off with sparklers in the Christmas pudding
The End... honestly.

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Sukais Birthday
Neither of these pictures contain the cake I attempte to make her. I think those pictures are best not published.
The Gambia Feeration of the disabled Gala dinner
Organised by Alex
Helens leaving party
Coinciding with Natalie visiting us.

Everyone is leaving

Cath has left The Gambia. We celebrated this with a long night out (no photo evidence) and a lovely meal at Ngala Lodge - Look at the long sleeves!!!
Helen my neighbour in Soma has also gone and we had a lovely party with all our close friends. So I got to take some pictures of all the people I too will soon be saying good bye to.
Pa Saine, our watchman, and some of his very big family.
The Jallow ladies and children aka The Fula Family.
The Jawnehs
And Jainaba and Arabiatou
As well as some of the gorgeous scenerey I have become accustomed to.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


The river island of Janjanbureh.
Where Cath spent her time volunteering. Working as a teacher trainer the same as me.
Except she had this lovely little family as neighbours where as I had ...
This poor little fella who had his tail stolen by the watchmen.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Haddijatou, harvesting and henna

Little white hand!!!
Kaddijatou and Haddijatou
Naming ceremony outfits.
Harvesting groundnut.
Whole family helping.
My poor effort.
Even the donkey gets to benefit.
Doing our nails for Tobaski

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rainy Season and the farm

BIG bugs - yes this is a standard sized playing card!!!!
Business School at the Farm
Taking the children on a trip to the sea
And a trip to the reptile farm
This was the 2nd best thing he saw that day!!!!!
I have been too busy at the farm to take pictures so I have been trying to steal other peoples. I will try and look for some more and also try and take some of my own over the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer term in Soma

Ara in her new toubab dress!

New baby Maimuna

The beautiful finished library, months on and in regular use.

See, we love books!

Library Workshop

Women getting the rice fields ready at the beginning of rainy season.

Making dens - fun in all countries.