Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rainy Season and the farm

BIG bugs - yes this is a standard sized playing card!!!!
Business School at the Farm
Taking the children on a trip to the sea
And a trip to the reptile farm
This was the 2nd best thing he saw that day!!!!!
I have been too busy at the farm to take pictures so I have been trying to steal other peoples. I will try and look for some more and also try and take some of my own over the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer term in Soma

Ara in her new toubab dress!

New baby Maimuna

The beautiful finished library, months on and in regular use.

See, we love books!

Library Workshop

Women getting the rice fields ready at the beginning of rainy season.

Making dens - fun in all countries.