Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Schools... See I work!

This is the library commitee stood in the library I spent a lot of the winter sorting. Unfortunately I no longer have the pictures from the beginning as they got stolen with my computer.

This is Medina Sancha. A school in the middle of nowhere on the border with Senegal. They have only just had this building built. Before all lessons were taught in temporary classrooms like the one you can see on the left.

This is a very typical example of what it is like inside a Gambian classroom.

Inside a temporary classroom. As you can see no good for rainy season but a lot of schools have these.

Learning lots.

On Independance Day the children joined the forces to do a march past as part of the ceremony.

Followed By an athletics competition.

I only took pictures of the high jump im afraid due to my bafflement at the lack of crash mat and my awe at how high the children can jump.

At one of the other schools I go to there is this magic tree. The palm tree is not behind the big tree it is coming out of the middle.

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