Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Soma Proper Lower basic and the White People

I had an interesting January and February punctuated with different white people entering and leaving my life.

Starting with these 2 little lovelies. The letter of the week was C. Culture, cocktails, cake, coco ocean and confusion.

We had an award ceremony with the British High Commisioner at Soma Proper school

. Awarding an honoury commonwealth MBE to the leader of the scout lodge.

The scouts put on a performance for us.

And so did some local, traditional performers

After the ceremony and performances we were given lunch.

Then the lord leuitenant of Hampshire helped some children plant some mango trees in the schools orchard.

The following week some of the teachers from the celebration party came into Soma Proper to teach some PE lessons.

With some fun and colourful PE equipment

That all the children really enjoyed using.


  1. Hey!! I'm a peace corps volunteer at this school now! Any chance I could get your email or contact info?

    1. Sure, I have recently come back to the gambia so my tel no is - 2230565.
